Prissy Yogi

Prissy Yogi

Home Décor

Much like you can express yourself through poses and the release of emotions in yoga; a home is a huge canvas that you can use to represent your style and personality whether you're prissy, super modern, or rustic chic. When it comes to my home I like things simple, elegant, traditional, and of course sparkly. Similar to my day to day wardrobe, my home is very monochromatic in colors with the slightest accents of hot pink, navy, or purple (for my husband in representation of our colleges). I really like fresh flowers, tufted furniture, white linens, monogrammed furnishings/ linens, silver candleholders with shimmery white candles, & I am obsessed with frames!! Seriously, I have a huge obsession buying frames which drives my husband crazy!! I love having everything symmetrical such as, rows of towels, linens, and books. I think my OCD really kicks in when it comes to our home. But as much as I like things balanced, I also like our home to feel welcoming to our friends and family. So whether I am hosting a gathering or my daughter and I are practicing a bit of yoga together as we wait for homemade cookies or muffins to bake, I love seeing the warmth and smiles our home brings to all while also being elegant and prissy. 


Pretty &  Prissy Spaces

A house is simple a beautiful container when built, but once it's filled with your love and all the Pretty & Prissy pieces that light up your eyes or touch your heart it then becomes a home. So considering the importance decorating has helping to make a house a home- it's no wonder why people are continually looking at magazines, websites, Pinterest, and following bloggers that decorate for ideas, and inspiration on what speaks to them. 

When I decorate our home (or really any space) I enjoy choosing the large pieces that go in but it's paying attention to all the smaller spaces and places that really get me excited. It's these spaces that I can really express mine and my families personality and taste in décor by filling them with things that we find beautiful, things we enjoy, and  things that are sentimental to us. It doesn't have to be over the top to make a huge statement. For example, a simple way to show several interest at once while creating a beautiful space can be done quickly on your nightstand or coffee table by placing a fresh bouquet of flowers on the table with two books stacked by it, and finished off with either a gorgeous candle or a  small shiny, silver jewelry holder with a mala necklace or bracelet on it. My favorite go to item to decorate with is frames. I love that a beautiful frame or a few frames can bring so much life to a space simply from the people in the photo. Now while I may incorporate things I enjoy such as yoga in spaces here and there with in my home, know it's not all over. I'll have something similar to the above example in one room, and then in the corner of another room (often a bedroom) I'll have my yoga mats rolled up, placed in their yoga bags (yes I have more than one- hello shopping problem) then placed in a pretty but functional wicker basket. But this goes for everything both my husband and I enjoy as well as our daughter- incorporate it here and there but remember not to go overboard. By paying attention to the smaller places and spaces in our home it brings our personality into it true, but balancing it to make sure that no interest is taking over our home help ensure that it still feel like a home not a yoga studio in my case or a museum to TCU in my husbands case.  

Remembering that "Home is Where the Heart is", simply means to me that you can bring your heart and style into any space whether it's your actual home or your yoga mat in a studio; by simply incorporating your own personal style (in the décor, in your attire, your practice) and by doing it with the love and passion within you- then you'll find peace and be at home. 


Shimmer & Shine on a Yogi's Dime

As I mentioned before one aspect of being Prissy to me is simply being girlie, and just like most girls I know I love things that are shimmery and shinny!! No matter if its a shimmery candle stick or pillow, a shinny serving tray, accent pieces, an eye shadow, shoes, or a frame- I truly adore decorating (and wearing) things that are shinny, glittery, or shimmer. I love pairing shinny things together as well, such as a few silver or mercury glass candle holders with glittery candles and a shinny picture frame. I feel like it brings so much elegance to even the smallest of places. I also love when a room has a stunning chandler!! The light from the chandler add so much character as well as shimmer all on it's own! When I look for items like this to add a bit more pazzaz to spaces, I generally go to Pottery Barn, Z Gallery, Homegoods, and boutiques around town. It doesn't matter the cost - it simply matters that it fits the space, and your personality. I would be lying if I said I incorporated shimmer, shine, and glitter within our home in moderation because just walking through the front door would show that not to be true and once the holidays come our home looks as though a glitter bomb went off in every inch of every room !!! And I LOVE it!! 

THis is home to Me- My sweet Mini


Playful, PRissy, & Proud of my Mini

Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. My sweet little girl is an inspiration to me, my motivation for wanting to live and be a better example, my heart and soul, my reflection, my little best friend…in short she is my world. While we are very much two different people, we share so many of the same interest, likes, and hobbies. She likes playing on my mat along side of me just as much as I love her being there! Each giggle, each time she comes to me and says, “Mommy I have a great idea for a new photo of us”, each nose kiss, each matching outfit, each hug after we get the photo done how she or I want are all memories of simple times together that I will hold dear to my heart and will cherish for years to come. It has always been important to me to set a positive example for her, as child learn and grow so much from what they see first hand, but the thing I didn’t expect was all the things I’d learn from her. Together, we grow and learn so much from each other and as she continues to evolve from a little girl to a woman, I hope she continues to share her light, her love, & her pure joy for life with all those around her. I will always love her and I hope she always knows I will be here to play and share life with her both on and off the mat.